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On this page you will find some facts about who is repsonsable for the Clarinet's ingenious invention, when this happened, and how it has adapted over time. Ther will also be a timeline photo of the adaption of the Clarinet.

C. H. Denner

Johann Christoph Denner was a famous woodwind maker of his time (1655 - 1707) and was the inventor of the clarinet.

Boehm Clarinet

The Boehm is the most used clarinet around the world and is a simple variation of Denner's origional clarinet and was first made in 1839. Since then many people have made changes and improvements to bring you a technical and interesting, multi-scale instrument.

Iwan Mueller

Iwan Mueller was the person who revolutionised the clarinet's key system. He was the inventor of the leather and airtight system we have today. Before this man, the keys had a felt pad to seal the air in and were often faulty, but with the leather  keys he invented, the clarinet became a much eaisier instrument to play.

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